Reports: How mobile, social will impact 2019 holidays

Default Image researchers found that 48% of shoppers ‘will consider’ buying products based on social media ads, which is pushing some brands to increase their social media spending this holiday season. Just over half (57%) of shoppers say social media ads help them find new products, and one-third say ‘compelling creative’ is what catches their attention.

“Consumers are flocking to highly visual platforms like Instagram and Facebook as new marketplaces to find holiday gifts – and they expect digital ads they encounter there to blend seamlessly into their browsing and shopping experience. Regardless of whether they have converted from social media ads in the past, 2019 is the tipping point year where those consumers are ready to buy. The brands who stand out from the pack are, ironically, those who design their ads to be as unobtrusive to the consumer as possible, and conform to the native content each placement has,” said Robert Rothschild, VP & Global Head of Marketing,

The key, of course, is to give social consumers what they want in a social media ad – and just slapping a product on a graphic card won’t cut it. Clicktivated researchers found that only about a quarter of online purchases are unplanned – meaning consumers are usually going online with a product or idea in mind. It’s the ad copy that ups their interest and influences them to buy.

So, what are they looking for in social ads? Clicktivated’s research indicates that about one-third of consumers are reading branded content either on the brand’s website or social media accounts, and that just over 20% are watching product videos on sites like YouTube. More importantly, 3 in 5 shoppers said that ‘quick and simple’ access to product information was important to their experience.

“The importance for brands to understand their audience’s preferences and online patterns goes beyond just data; it means having the tools to build a comprehensive marketing strategy that captures their consumers attention where they’re spending the most time, blends seamlessly with their existing online habits and lifestyle, and provides solutions for challenges they’re facing,” said Chris Roebuck, CEO & Co-Founder, Clicktivated.

And don’t discount the impact of outside recommendations as their data shows 34% of shoppers say news websites or blogs influence their purchasing decisions, and 32% say social media ads influence their purchases.

But social won’t be the only way consumers are using mobile devices this holiday season. App Annie’s data shows that shopping apps could have a big impact on retailers’ bottom lines. Their data predicts an increase in spending of 25% (global, YoY) between Black Friday and Christmas Day, and that Black Friday will become the largest mobile shopping day ever.

In terms of time spent with shopping apps, researchers believe Americans, alone, will spend at least 230 million hours in shopping apps during the weeks between Black Friday and Christmas Day.

More data from App Annie can be found here.



Kristina Knight-1
Kristina Knight, Journalist , BA
Content Writer & Editor
Kristina Knight is a freelance writer with more than 15 years of experience writing on varied topics. Kristina’s focus for the past 10 years has been the small business, online marketing, and banking sectors, however, she keeps things interesting by writing about her experiences as an adoptive mom, parenting, and education issues. Kristina’s work has appeared with, NBC News,, DisasterNewsNetwork, and many more publications.