Direct mail not dying out in the wake of digital
Each year, businesses in the U.S. use about 68 million trees to produce 17 billion catalogs and 65 billion direct mail pieces. Yet, referring to a study by the Boston Consulting Group, Experian notes that the use of direct mail is not waning in the wake of digital and advertisers will be using direct mail marketing even more in the years to come. Total spending on ad mail is expected to rise from 11% to 12% by 2020.
The reason for the continued use of direct mail is simple, says Experian… it works. Direct mail still appeals to consumers. In fact, in a world where personalization is expected, 70% of Americans say physical mail is “more personal” than email.
Furthermore, USPS found that consumers who receive direct mail spend 28% more than those who don’t and Neiman Marcus claims to make $4 for every $1 it spends creating and mailing catalogs.
Experian also discovered that 60% of direct mail recipients visit a website mentioned in direct mail, so it is easy for marketers to link consumers to both off- and online experiences.