Top 3 tips to succeed on Instagram

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First, use quality images

“Use quality photos, and if you are adding words to photos, make sure they are readable. Make sure the photo is clear, in focus, high resolution, and can be viewed easily on all media devices. When adding quotes or words to photos, use font colors that stand out and can be easily seen. Most people are viewing everything on Instagram from their phones, so if your photo is of poor quality, it will appear blurry and distorted and will be quickly passed by. Not to mention, people viewing it will develop an opinion of your brand that is unfavorable. Brands that are posting low quality photos are seen as not paying enough attention to their social media presence,” said Noelle Federico, CMO, Dreamstime.

Second, use engaging content

“Social media was designed to create relationships. Take advantage of that and post photos that draw people in and provide a positive reaction. Post photos of people using your product or service to engage other people. Don’t simply post pictures of your product or service – nobody cares, and social media platforms are not for selling. Rather, they are for encouraging people to relate to you and your brand. Post images that inspire and contribute. Social media is best used as a place to ‘give,’ not a place to ‘get’ — keep that in mind when managing your brand and posting content,” said Federico.

Third, stay on message

“Keep content focused on the message of your brand. If you are a shoe company, don’t post hundreds of pictures of food. Many brands make the mistake of spreading too wide and away from their core objective, which confuses people. It needs to always be very clear to people who you are and what you do. Consumers need to be able to count on you to deliver what you promise, and if your social media is all over the place, it dilutes your ability to produce the desired result,” said Federico.



Kristina Knight-1
Kristina Knight, Journalist , BA
Content Writer & Editor
Kristina Knight is a freelance writer with more than 15 years of experience writing on varied topics. Kristina’s focus for the past 10 years has been the small business, online marketing, and banking sectors, however, she keeps things interesting by writing about her experiences as an adoptive mom, parenting, and education issues. Kristina’s work has appeared with, NBC News,, DisasterNewsNetwork, and many more publications.