Shocking: Women embrace online shopping

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voucher_codes_logo-blog-thumb.pngIn their latest report, “Future of Online Retail”, reveals that women buy more online, across a wider range of products, than men.

While 19% of women had purchased items from all categories presented in the study, which included groceries, holidays, clothing, furniture and electronics, just 13% of men had done so.

Furthermore, while 81% of women had purchased clothing online, just 73% of men had done so.

“Whilst male shoppers have traditionally been considered the early adopters of ecommerce, it is clear women have very much embraced online shopping and are keen to take advantage of solutions such as apps that offer targeted rewards and discounts,” says Max Jennings, co-founder of

It could also be argued that women are often the controllers of the purse strings in a household and are more likely, therefore, to be spending more online and buying across a wider range of categories.



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Kristina Knight, Journalist , BA
Content Writer & Editor
Kristina Knight is a freelance writer with more than 15 years of experience writing on varied topics. Kristina’s focus for the past 10 years has been the small business, online marketing, and banking sectors, however, she keeps things interesting by writing about her experiences as an adoptive mom, parenting, and education issues. Kristina’s work has appeared with, NBC News,, DisasterNewsNetwork, and many more publications.