Digital Marketing Trends This 2020 That Can Boost Your Sales

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The best part about these trends is that they’re extremely easy to implement, and the reward that a business gets from using them is too big to pass on. Using these trends to market a business online can drive the sales to an all-time high, so keeping an eye out for them is highly recommended. Here’s what you need to know.

Automating Tasks
While automating tasks can seem like something that helps more with general day-to-day life rather than with sales, it actually does both at the same time. Automating certain tasks like sending out personalized emails, texts, and follow-ups to customers can help a business function more efficiently while also cutting costs on the use of the workforce for automatable tasks. This comes in handy when converting clicks to customers that have visited your website, as sending out a regularly-scheduled email to them effortlessly can be the key to guaranteeing that sale.

Creating Video Content
After 2020, it will be very rare to find a business that isn’t already creating its own video content. Creating video content has dominated market trends over the past year and has gotten every business planning out how they want to do it themselves. Whether it’s creating a tutorial for products or simply creating content to stay relevant in the market, video content is necessary for a business to succeed online.

Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Utilizing keywords that customers use when searching for specific things online has been a growing marketing trend throughout the year, especially since it’s a method that works better and better over time. Even if a business doesn’t have an IT department that has an SEO specialist, they outsource it by using SEO Packages that drive growth in the number of clicks converted to sales online. These packages generally boost click conversion rates by attracting the right customers to the domain. Businesses want to be the top search result that pops up for their customers when it’s related to their products, so using SEO has become a trend that greatly boosted sales during 2020.

Capitalizing on Social Media Algorithms
Studying the algorithm details of different social media platforms has become mandatory for any social media account, as even laymen use this information to their advantage to increase the number of likes, shares, and follows on their profiles. Understanding how the algorithms function and figuring out what works best with them takes a little research, but businesses have demonstrated how powerful this knowledge is during 2020.

Create Interactive Content
This year has shown every business that customers love interacting with posts created for the sole purpose of reaching out to them. Talking to customers and engaging with them using polls, interactive posts, and any other type of interactive content online increases brand loyalty while simultaneously marketing the product or service.

The best part about digital marketing trends is that you can often see many people succeeding in self-marketing by simply using social media and living their day-to-day life on the internet, and they end up popping up wherever you go online. Implementing these trends will help you ride the wave while it’s high.



Kristina Knight-1
Kristina Knight, Journalist , BA
Content Writer & Editor
Kristina Knight is a freelance writer with more than 15 years of experience writing on varied topics. Kristina’s focus for the past 10 years has been the small business, online marketing, and banking sectors, however, she keeps things interesting by writing about her experiences as an adoptive mom, parenting, and education issues. Kristina’s work has appeared with, NBC News,, DisasterNewsNetwork, and many more publications.