Top 3 tips to spring clean your small business

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Spruce up your finances

“Much like your home, your small business can benefit from a thorough spring cleaning at least once a year,” said John Swanciger, CEO, Manta. “This is the perfect time to reevaluate your services, solutions and products, and make sure they still align with your short-term and long-term goals. Doing so allows small business owners to keep a close eye on their finances and create a new budget if needed. While clearing the cobwebs off your budget, small business owners should answer a few key questions: Is each expense meeting a need you still have? Is there a better or less expensive solution?”

Clean up your web presence

“Spring is also the perfect time for small business owners to revamp their approach to marketing. As consumers increasingly depend on Google searches to find local businesses, it’s more important than ever for companies to ensure a strong web presence. Tidy up your online reputation this season by responding to all customer reviews (both negative and positive), building a mobile-friendly website, and leveraging digital marketing tactics like SEO and PPC to appeal to today’s customers,” said Swanciger.

Declutter your technology

“Small business owners should set aside some time this spring to assess the tools and technology they use every day for work. Make sure you update your computer programs to avoid glitches and data breaches,” said Swanciger. “While it may be convenient to select “remind me later” when requests to update your software pop up, your systems will become susceptible to viruses in the long run. Check your backup system and ensure all the latest programs are running on your computer to tighten up security.”

Clean up your email

“Spring is also a good time to clean your email inbox and delete old, irrelevant emails. While deleting or archiving messages, small business owners should consider creating folders by categories to organize the emails they plan to keep. Categories could include “taxes,” “employee information,” “meeting invites” or “customer inquiries.” If this approach to organizing your inbox feels like it’ll require too much oversight, consider email automation programs,” said Swanciger.



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Kristina Knight, Journalist , BA
Content Writer & Editor
Kristina Knight is a freelance writer with more than 15 years of experience writing on varied topics. Kristina’s focus for the past 10 years has been the small business, online marketing, and banking sectors, however, she keeps things interesting by writing about her experiences as an adoptive mom, parenting, and education issues. Kristina’s work has appeared with, NBC News,, DisasterNewsNetwork, and many more publications.